Author: Alex
NFL Champs Vs. College All-Stars 1934-1976
The Chicago Charities College All-Star Game was a preseason football tilt played annually (except 1974) from 1934 to 1976 between…
Karsten Braasch vs Williams Sisters
One ‘battle of the sexes’ sports event that has curiously not gotten much attention was the impromptu beatdown that an…
The Beatles HEY JUDE
This song, recorded by The Beatles in 1968, and originally titled ‘Hey Jules’, was written by McCartney to comfort John…
Jose Canseco baseball blooper
Watch Jose Canseco of the Texas Rangers commit a classic baseball blunder against the Cleveland Indians.
Abbott and Costello Who’s on First
Sit back and enjoy Abbott and Costello as they perform the classic Who’s on First baseball sketch from their 1945…
Andy Kaufman Imitates Elvis on Johnny Carson
From his March 3, 1977 appearance on The Tonight Show, Andy Kaufman segues from his “foreign man” shtick to a…
Flo: A Sitcom Spinoff Disaster
The popular CBS sitcom Alice, which ran from 1976 to 1985, was loosely based on the successful 1974 film Alice…
Julie Andrews on Dick Cavett Show
Here’s a gem: From a 1971 episode of The Dick Cavett Show, Julie Andrews is persuaded to sing Wouldn’t It…
Deep Blue v Kasparov
May 11, 1997 saw one of the most important milestones in human history occur. Strangely, it was attained at the…
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