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Posted in 1930's and earlier 1940's 1960's 1970's

Glassware Give-A-Ways

I just posted about dish night at the movie theaters back in the 30’s and 40’s posting pictures of what…

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Posted in 1960's 1970's 2010's and beyond

The Acid Generation- Where Are They Now

If you were a hippy back in the 60’s you are now in your 70’s. Many could be in nursing…

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Posted in 1970's

Happy Brady Easter!

Maureen McCormick recently shared this publicity photo on social media of a 1972 Easter publicity photo. The Brady Bunch never…

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Posted in 1930's and earlier 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's

Buster Brown Shoe

Richard F. Outcault create the Buster Brown comic strip in 1902 which first appeared in the New York Herald. Buster…

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Posted in 1930's and earlier 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's

Send In The Clowns- Jimmy Durante

In a new feature on the Retro Site we will explore the lives of the comedians of our most popular…

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Posted in 1970's

Whatever Happened To The Dog On The Brady Bunch?

Tiger the dog and Fluffy the cat were the center of chaos at the wedding of Carol and Mike Brady’s…

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Posted in 1960's 1970's 1980's

Jeep Mail Trucks

The Jeep, after proving itself as a reliable, go anywhere vehicle during World War II, the United States Postal Service…

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Posted in 1960's 1970's

60’s Valentine Cards

Who remembers the Valentine cards we shared with our classmates in school? I remember being excited receiving one from the…

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Posted in 1970's

Star Wars Holiday Special

In 1977, George Lucas broke box office sales records with Star Wars. While working on the sequel CBS suggested the…

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Posted in 1970's

National Lampoon Ted Kennedy VW Ad

In 1972 National Lampoon ran this parody Volkswagen ad as a comment on the infamous 1969 Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick incident….