Jerry Lee Lewis was one of early rock-and-roll’s pioneers and leading performers. In December 1957, when he was 22 years old, Lewis secretly married for the third time. The bride was Myra Gale Brown–who happened to be just 13 years and five months old. Myra’s father was Lewis’ cousin, J.W. Brown, a member of Lewis’ band. News of the strange marriage did not surface until May 1958 when a British journalist uncovered the story as Lewis was beginning a tour of England. The adverse publicity caused the tour to be cancelled after just three concerts. The backlash followed Lewis to the United States. Many radio stations refused to play Lewis’ songs. Lewis went from $10,000-per-night engagements to small-time bookings where he was lucky to pick up $250. Moralists declared the scandal was proof of rock-and-roll’s inherent evil. The couple stayed married until 1970. Today Brown is a real estate agent.