Bret Lahr starred in a variety of characters for Lay’s Potato Chips in the 1960’s. Lahr you may remember was the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. Today we would look at this clip as being racist but in the 1960’s it was perfectly acceptable.
Bret Lahr starred in a variety of characters for Lay’s Potato Chips in the 1960’s. Lahr you may remember was the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. Today we would look at this clip as being racist but in the 1960’s it was perfectly acceptable.
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Even Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev LOVED Lay’s potatoe chips>
He had never had ANY potatoe chips & thot the flood of autos on LA freeways
were “staged” where a few autos kept going around out of his sight to come back
Actually, when I was looking for apt in LA (1980s) I kept seeing the same cars on Freeway
& it dawned on me TEENAGERs were “Cruising” the Freeways b/c were not allowed on city streets
Nikita Khrushchev thot Lays potatoe chips were a Great Thing about America