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Posted in 1980's 2000's

The 80s Called-They Want Their Radio Shack Back

Founded in in 1921 by 2 brothers RadioShack grew into a prominent retailer with thousands of stores across the United…

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Posted in 1980's 1990's 2000's 2010's and beyond

Sophia Perfume

Sophia is a Coty fragrance inspired by the famous Sophia Loren an icon of style, femininity, grace, and elegance The…

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Posted in 1960's 1970's 1980's

ABC Sunday Night Movie (1983 Version)

ABC Sunday Night Movie was a TV staple from 1962 to 2004 The program presented theatrical feature films airing on…

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Posted in 1960's

The White Knight & The Doors

Ajax’s White Knight was a popular ad campaign in the 1960s to compete with Procter and Gamble’s Mr. Clean. Stronger…

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Posted in 1970's

Did Mercury Ruin The Cougar With This Model?

The car model maybe, but certainly not Farrah! In 1970 unknown actress Farrah Fawcett starred in this ad for the…

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Posted in 1990's

Big Comfy Couch Clock Stretch

Loonette was NOT on a comfy rug performing the Clock Stretch!

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Posted in 1960's

The SS Minnow was NOT named for a fish

The SS Minnow was named for the Chairman of the FCC not for the fish!

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Posted in 1960's 1970's

Diana Rigg – A Look at Her Life and Career

Diana Rigg was a British actress known for her role as Emma Peel in the 1960s TV series The Avengers….

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Posted in 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000's

The Bic Banana

The Bic Banana pen was a writing instrument introduced by Bic Corporation in the 1970s. The pen was distinctive for…

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Posted in 1980's 1990's 2000's

How Can You Forget Chicken Tonight?

Ragu’s Chicken Tonight was a popular line of cooking sauces that first hit the shelves in the late 1980s. The…